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Welcome to Gyllenstiernska Krapperupsstiftelsen

Krapperup is on the west coast of Skåne, which lies three kilometers north of Helsingborg and just south of Kullaberg and Mölle. The present castle was built in the mid-16th century and is surrounded by a beautiful park open to the public all year round. Since 1967 Krapperup has been run by a foundation with the task of supporting science and research.

Food & Culture

North of the outer courtyard is Stallplan. Around this group are the buildings that nowadays house premises for outward activities.

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Foundation & Fund

Gyllenstiernska Krapperupsfoundation was founded in 1967

Av den siste fideikommissarien friherre Gustaf Gyllenstierna med uppgift att värna om borgen och dess samlingar, parken och den omgivande godsmiljön, som tillsammans en gång utgjorde Krapperups fideikommiss.


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